You cannot request arbitration until the question has been answered at least once.
Requesting arbitration is expensive, so it is usually better to post the correct answer with a bond. You should only request arbitration if someone else posts the incorrect answer with a large bond.
No accounts found. Please make sure your web3 browser is unlocked then refresh the page. Invalid network. Please use the main Ethereum network or another supported network. Reality.eth does not support this token on the current network.Requesting arbitration is expensive, so it is usually better to post the correct answer with a bond. You should only request arbitration if someone else posts the incorrect answer with a large bond.
Please switch network or use another token. You followed a link to but you are currently on .
Please switch network.
We were unable to prompt your browser to switch network automatically. You may be able to switch network manually. You followed a link to use reality.eth with a token which claims to be . Reality.eth has not verified this.
Token address:
Go ahead and use this token from now on